From Type A to Type B+
Can you believe that 2014 is almost over? I still can’t believe it and while some folks really hate resolutions, I love them. I love reflecting on the person I’ve become and contemplating the person I want to be. And I’ve made new years resolutions of every size, shape, and flavor. I’ve made lists, I had themes for the year, and in 2010, my friends and I made quarterly goals.
This coming year, I have but one resolution–to go from being Type A to Type B+. You see, I actually never thought of myself as Type A. That is, until a friend sent me this buzzfeed link, as well as this link. It was at that moment that I had an epiphany — I. AM. TYPE. A! Haha.
Well, realizing that I was Type A was kind of funny, until I thought about what that probably means for my stress levels. When I started digging, I found that being Type A was also associated with stroke, heart disease, and other health problems. So, while Type A folks definitely accomplish a lot, I had to ask myself, am I willing to pay those costs?
The answer is, I am not willing, which is why I will embrace being Type B+ in 2015. Good will be great enough. I will still strive to do my best, but I will try to focus and concentrate, and to embrace the notion that perfect really can be the enemy of the good.
So with that folks, be safe on New Years eve! And here’s to an amazingly beautiful and bountiful 2015! Woop! Woop!