From the Farmers Market

By Withthegrains @WithTheGrains

June/August 2014

I haven’t plodded along on what one would call a “career path” by any means, and for a span of time, this approach meant not having a full-time job. During one glorious summer of job juggling, I had plenty of time for summer bicycle adventuring to farmers markets. I practically hit one every day, a habit that took my blue bicyclette and me all over the city in search of perfectly sweet, juicy tomatoes. When engaged in a conversation about promoting local foods, I rather scoffed at someone who told me local foods needed to be more convenient. “But there’s a farmers market every day!” I practically shouted.

Fast forward to present day, and step aside as I humbly put my foot in my mouth. Making a commitment to local foods is just that- a commitment. Between forgetting what day of the week it is and the alarming rate at which summer seems to be passing me, I nearly missed this commitment. Fortunately, I can buy a fair share of local foods at the grocery store, but there is something fulfilling about mingling with the grower of your food.

So it was on a sunny Saturday in June, I made the effort to mingle, to visually scan summer’s yield and to be inspired by that moment in the growing season.

The market rewarded my effort with plump raspberries, bright green snow peas, and an abundance of rhubarb, which tickled the nose of my four-legged kitchen assistant.

The berries and peas barely stood a chance of survival past pecking and pawing, but the rhubarb inspired several recipes.

On that note of summer passing all too quickly, I realize I am sharing these musings past these lovelies’ seasons, but nevertheless, I would have been remiss not to celebrate the way they inspired words, images, recipes and gatherings. Stay tuned for recipes to bookmark for their prime next year.

In the meantime, how is your farmers market inspiring you?
