The pumpkin's outer ribs will give you lots of practice in laying your stitches, as they are all a smooth, shiny Satin stitch with highlights of metallic:
Here's my latest pick from Crazy Patch Boo-nanza, this time it's one of the pumpkins! Plaid Pumpkin features lots of glitz and glam with big, fun and quick to stitch stitches. Here's the whole pumpkin, photographed pre-finishing: The inner ribs are really, really fun to stitch-- you get to add all these happy little flower sequins! The center plaid section has you working with lots of diverse fibers, from silk/wools to Holographic ribbon and more! Even the stem is glitzy! Just for fun, here's a look at the unstitched canvas: Here's the whole Crazy Patch again. Next week I'll share photos of a couple more of the Candy Corns!