This indeed is the true to life Joy Tan-Chi Mendoza story, and I’m so glad I found the video on youtube. It’s divided into four parts, and I will feature all of them here. WATCH IT!!! I know the story even before the TV reenactment of it, but it’s here where we see where the impact to the family, even many years later, is still so evident and poignant. Enjoy—and prepare to be moved to the very core, as this is one of the greatest examples of the adage that God uses even the most horrible of events for great good.
As the video said, Joy also has a beautiful blog called Teach With Joy, where she shares various tips on parenting, homeschooling, and, most importantly, the goodness of God. Check that out, and like the blog's facebook page as well.
For those who have been around my site for some time, you’d know that Peter Tan-Chi is the senior pastor of the church I go to, Christ’s Commission Fellowship or CCF for short. My family goes to the CCF church in Cagayan de Oro City, where we are active in various ministries there.
I will end this blog entry with some books for you in case you are also going through your own season of strife. These can further speak into your life and help you process it. God bless you all, and continue to enjoy your Holy Week. Remember, we’re celebrating a weekend that changed the world forever. Here’s my favorite song for this Holy Week, The Anthem by Planetshakers, to put an exclamation point why this week is so special. This song just nails it.
Recommended Reading:
- Where Is God When It Hurts?
- God Will Use This for Good: Surviving the Mess of Life
- Changes That Heal: The Four Shifts That Make Everything Better...And That Anyone Can Do by Henry Cloud (July 31 1997)
- Disappointment With God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud