From One to Three and More….

By Pratnala @PratNala

Hello everyone!!

First of all, please accept my humblest apologies for being out of action for so long. ReflectionsPN is now truly back and there are a host of changes which you need to know! So, here we go!

First and foremost, ReflectionsPN has added 2 new authors! Say hello to Prathamesh Shanbhag and Sanchit Jain (read more about them in the Team section) who share the common philosophy of ReflectionsPN. So, now that makes it three authors for this wonderful blog.

Next, from now on, most of the posts would be in 5 major categories – Indian Education, Environment, Social Media, Technology and Society. All other posts would be in the Miscellaneous category and guest posts in the Guest Contributors category. With this, we want to give ReflectionsPN a direction and also for us to concentrate on what we want to write.

Another important thing is that Link The Web has been scrapped. Any interesting links will now be shared on our Facebook page. Also, the article on Facebook has been deleted. A better article will be written soon.

And, as before, we invite guest contributors to write for us. Your posts can be on any topic but it would be nicer if you can write on one of the 5 major areas we are concentrating on. If you don’t want to write but want to express through a photo or a video, go ahead!! We’ll be the happiest to accept!

Posts will be written more frequently from now on and we hope you like what we have to offer. Feel free to drop in your suggestions and criticisms at


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