Title: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary
Rating: 4 Star
When her secret love letters to each of her five crushes, Lara Jean finds her quiet school existence turned upside down.
This movie gets 2 separate star ratings for me. 5 Star for sticking to the book, and 4 Star for how much I actually enjoyed it. Netflix did a really good job and portraying this beautiful book and I am so excited for them to continue on with the series. For anyone who is interested in continuing on with this review, know that there will be spoilers, as I will be comparing the book to the movie.
They of course did change a few things, some I liked and some that really made it drop the start for me. The beautiful cupcake scene where Lara Jean and Peter bake together was sadly taken from the movie. Also the introduction scene where he helps her after she had a car crash was missing. I can completely see why they left out these scenes, they don’t have a lot of time to work with, but they were important in my eyes in the book and I wanted to see them on screen. ‘
Other than those small things it was amazing. I think they selected the most perfect cast for the movie and they all fit to a T, even with Kitty ages up a few years they stayed true to her character. The actors did a pretty good job, but in the end the movie didn’t leave me with the overall adorableness of the book. I did feel just as bad for Josh in the movie as I did in the books, and I am so glad that they didn’t kiss in the movie. It made me like Josh more, and Margo and her didn’t have as much of a serious fight in the movie because of it.
I also loved the style and set design, the rooms they give these kids in movies! I would have loved a room like that as a kid. One thing that did blow my mind though was just the general size of everyone’s houses. I get that Lara Jean’s dad is a doctor and they would have a nice big house and nice things, but what on earth does everyone else do?! That house the party was at was massive. Is that what the size of the houses are in America in general, or is it a movie thing?
I think my favorite character would have to be Lara Jean’s dad, and he is was made some of my favorite scenes for me. I laughed so hard at his and Chris’ chat in the kitchen.
“I’m not denying you you’re right to put food on your table for your family or anything, I just think its a little odd that a man would want to be a gynaecologist. Like when you were college you thought ‘ah, I would really like to look at vaginas all day'”
“Gonna leave the kitchen now Christine.”
Just beautiful. I also really loved the condom talk, and all the touching moments Lara Jean and her dad had at the restaurant. One other thing I loved that they actually changed a little from the book was the fact that Kitty kept all the letters that Peter wrote Lara Jean, it sort of made up for the fact that she posted the letters out to begin with. I also appreciated that they solved their issues at the end of the movie rather than the start of the next one, and that little sneak peak of John at the end of the movie. He was geekier than I expected but it got me really excited for what was to come
And this is where I am going to leave you guys. If you loved the books, you will like the movie. If you haven’t done the books though but like cute little love stories with families full of sass you will probably enjoy the movie all by itself.
Till Next Time. . .