From Book To Movie – Divergent

By Jazmin-Jade

Title: Divergent

Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian, Romance

Rating: 4.5 Star

Book Series Reviews: 123


In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she’s Divergent and won’t fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it’s too late.


Hmmm. I have some thoughts about this movie. I enjoyed it well enough and I smiled through some parts but there were some points where I just wanted to yell at the screen cause it was all wrong. They are as follows:

  1. Character hight. Tris is supposed to be the shortest person at last in the transfers. So why oh why was she like miles higher than Christina?! Actually lets just say that Christina all up. She was horribly cast. I hate her.
  2. Tris didn’t go colder in personality as the story continued. She seemed to cry at every chance she got. She has a mental breakdown in the lunch room after all attacked her (so not the Tris we know!) and she tries to talk Will out of shooting her instead of just shooting then proceeds to have another breakdown and she totally breaks down when her mum dies, though that one didn’t bother me so much.
  3. Lack of pain. Tris, and a few other people, are suppose to just be made of bruises at some points but they barely ever got a scratch. I was so looking forward to seeing how they made Tris look after she nearly got thrown off that ledge cause that is suppose to put her back in everyones good graces but nope. They didn’t do that, she just had a tiny little scratch. But I suppose they didn’t need to bring her back into their good graces because she never left them!!!! The only person who got angry was Al. I mean really guys, you are trying to describe this world as cut throat yet they are still all lovely dovey at the same time? Doesn’t work.
  4. She barely got shot. I know you think this may fall under number 3 but I think it deserves its own spot. She isn’t really able to use that arm at all in the next book, yet she barely got a scratch from that bullet in this movie. It is also meant to be the reason why Jeanine sends her off to be killed, because she doesn’t think she will live with the amount of blood she loss, but in the movie she says she’s defective or something… which doesn’t even make sense… her being hurt would have no effect on her little mind control things or no one in the book if they got hurt would still be under her control… Stupid. Just so so stupid. You are probably expecting me to complain about about how she didn’t get put into the tub of water to die cause Jeanine made it special for her, which at first I was annoyed about, but when I think about it its ok that they were just going to go shoot her, the moment of salvation still worked.
  5. Key moment changes. Tris is the one to capture the flag, she only had 5 fears instead of 6 though thats not very big, Four isn’t computer savvy for some stupid reason and so at the end they change nearly everything! Jeanine isn’t suppose to help them! It was just so wrong. Molly was nice to Tris, she was never nice to anyone. Peter didn’t stab Edward and thusly I didn’t feel the hatred I was suppose to feel for him. He also wasn’t revealed as one of the guys that tries to kill Tris. He was just annoying the movie. Her mothers death. Though I will accept the way they did it cause it still kind of works, the moment in the book was more heartbreaking. As her mother runs off to distract and sacrifice herself she has a moment of my mother was all selfless and brave. It was beautiful. The way they went with was still touching, but not as much.

So yes, if you ignore all those things that really annoyed me I thought it was a pretty good movie.

There was some moments when she was the Tris I thought she should be. Like when she threw the knife at Jeanine’s hand, that was awesome. Her reactions to people doubting if she would actually shoot them was funny.

I thought Four was pretty well done cast wise. I thought that his fears didn’t seem to bother him as much as they should have, but I till let that slide because in his fear landscapes he was training her on how to do it in a way that Dauntless people would do things. In terms of changes I thought this was a really good one. I always thought that someone should have told her a few things not to do so that she didn’t stick out like a sore thumb so much.

The romance felt a little forced to me but I was satisfied by it none the less. I think the best bit of this relationship was when they were eating lunch. You go Tris, put him in his place.

One thing I didn’t get but can let go of because I think it would have been pretty hard to do was the glass dome thing inside of the Dauntless headquarters. I would have loved to see that, but I get why they left it out. I completely loved how they showed the zip-line thing though. It went of for ages and looked so much better on screen than it did in my head. I was there flying with her in the movie, it was totally awesome! The cracks she went through in buildings and the extra things they threw in was awesome. I loved the way that all the factions were introduced, I loved the Dauntless, they looked awesome!! I would want to join them too. I was so sad that they left out the bit where Christina is scared of moths, that was an awesome scene.

The fear landscapes were done and awesomely introduced. I loved the one with the dog scene the most. When she leapt at that dog was awesome. The birds were scary, I was like NO NOT THE EYES! the entire time she was dealing with them. I have always loved when she shatters the glass tank. They pulled that scene off perfectly.

Though Eric and Peter were not the ones I was used to, I still hated them. Even though, that moment when Tris is running after the train to play in the war games even though Eric said she was out, and then she gets on and kind of tells him off a bit and you kind of see a bit of respect go into his eyes and he lets her stay. I am really interested to see if that moment kind of changes anything later on. (I was so happy when I saw her running for that train. Awesome, awesome scene.)

The soundtrack was really well done.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet don’t read the next bit it might be really distracting.

Some funny thing that I was kind of giggling about the entire time thanks to TheBookTuber, Jeanine’s actor is preggers while filming so the entire time, she has like folders or laptop bags in her hand always moving them to try and hide it hahaha. I really hope you have seen the movie before you read this, because you can’t unsee it.

So yes, I did actually love this movie despite all my book loving complaints. It was good. People who read the book should at least give it ago, but if you nit pick too much you might not like it. I’m interested in seeing how they do the next one, cause all the books are very different from each other.

Till Next Time…