From Bob Harper to Brownie Bowls: 8 Things I’m Loving Right Now

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Here is the post where I share with you some things that caught my attention this week. Simple things - running and not - that make me happy. You may or may not care.

1. This free library. Do you all have these in your town, or is Longmont just a superior-ass city? Basically, a home owner can set up this little book house in front of their home. Others can come to take and leave books as they please. You all know I love the library, so I am REALLY loving this new fixture on our street. And, you don’t need a card. And, there are no late fees.

2. This bread. I will admit that the only reason I bought it was for the runner on the front. I figure any food with a runner on it has to make me a better runner, right? I am a marketer’s dream. Anyway, this bread is good if you like a really seedy and hearty bread.  Makes you poop too, which is not something this girl needs help with.

3. This song. Is it too good to be true that there is a song called Shut Up and Dance and that it is actually decent? I have contacted the band about a Shut Up and Run rendition. They said that was stupid.

4. This book: This was compared to “Gone Girl,” which I also really liked. Very suspenseful. And, I got it from the free library. Score!

5. This idea: How fun and easy is this? You can WOW your guests with your homemade brownie bowls (update: I tried to make this and it was a disaster. everything stuck to the pan and I ended up with a crumbly mess. sigh).

6. This dog fight. Heidi vs. my parents’ dog, Kleo. I promise there was no blood, and it was in good fun. I think Heidi just lost an ear, a nipple and her dignity. No biggie.


7. This new addition. In October we will be welcoming an exchange student into our family!! He’s from Spain. He has no idea what he is in for. I hope he likes farts.

8. This season premier. Tonight. You all know I love this show. Please tell me they are doing the marathon this year. Maybe an Ironman? Jillian is gone. There are two new trainers. The contestants are all former athletes. Cannot wait! But, please, could we avoid the first episode puking?


Your turn. What’s a favorite new thing this week? Recipe, book, song?

Ever had an exchange student?

What book are you reading right now?

Will you be tuning in for TBL?