Two years ago I was driving along a country lane when these caught my eye ...
Frilly Pink Bloomers ! Someone had naughtily fly-tipped some builder's rubble and heavy clay subsoil by the side of the road, and presumably these seeds had been in the soil and been triggered into growth.
Gardeners are patient people, by default, so I waited until I knew the seed had set, and then drove back to get me some free lovelies. The photo above is the result. Some were darker pink and others were paler, and I grew them amongst white and pink Cosmos. Of course I saved the seed and gave seed heads to interested people when we had 'Open Garden Day'. Everyone seemed mightily pleased, and I hope the frilly poppies are flourishing in their gardens too.
This season I specifically looked out for similar poppies when checking out seed catalogues and look what I found :-
I called them 'Frilly Pink Bloomers'' but now I see that they are called Peony Poppies. Look at those fantastic colours !
I sowed these packets today, direct, where I want them to flower, as we have, at last got a lovely warm Spring day which is perfect for planting.
Am I the only person in the world who didn't know about them ?