#FriFotos – It’s #Electric Boogie Woogie, Woogie!

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

When I found out that the #FriFotos theme this week was #Electric, the first thing I did was think of one of my favorite cities, Vegas! Wait, no, that’s a lie. The first thing I really did was bounce in my chair and sing a horrible rendition of the Electric Boogie. You know some say it’s mystic, you can’t resist it, you can’t do without it, It’s ELECTRIC BOOGIE, WOOGIE, WOOGIE!… sorry, I couldn’t contain myself. I know it’s supposed to be #FriFotos, but why can’t it be #FriKaraoke too? Is that a thing? If not someone should make it a thing, it has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? #FriKaraoke, yeah that’s nice! Oh well I digress, now I’ve rambled on about the darned song I’ve been singing in my head since last Tuesday instead of talking about how cool these #electric (boogie woogie, woogie) photos are. Enough of my incessant rambling and on to the pictures!

This first pic is from Disney, we were playing with some of those neat little #electric kids lights that look like they should be sold at a rave not a kids theme park.

Sticking with the whole theme park idea, this is a huge #electric guitar at Universal Studio’s City Walk in LA

I know the sign itself isn’t #electric, but this electric guitar outside of the Hard Rock in Las Vegas is pretty cool too!

Now that we’ve made it to Vegas, here are a few more shots of some pretty cool #electric things.

Once you’re in Nevada, you can’t forget Vegas’s little brother, RENO!

I would feel bad if I left out my other favorite, New Orleans, Sin City of the South.

Only in California is there a town called Weed…

This cool building was in Vancouver. I love it when they electrify architecture.

This is in the Gas Town area of Vancouver as well. Here, electric lights meet a steam-powered clock.

Let us not forget the most basic of electric things though, the light

To finish off this #electric post, I felt I had to include one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen that is caused by electricity, the Northern Lights.

Since I went and got the song stuck in your head too, I decided to help you out by including the video. Make sure to sing along, just like karaoke. I’m telling you #FriKaraoke has gotta be a thing