#FriFotos – Homes | Home is Where the

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

This week’s FriFotos really hit home for me, literally! This weeks theme is HOMES. Everyone that knows us, knows that Kenin and I are nomadic souls. We’ve owned many nice homes in our 10 years together. It makes me a little sad to think of all the nice houses we built from the very first laid brick and then abandoned just a few years later as we moved from city to city. We just couldn’t stay in one building, one place, for a long period of time.

Our very first house

We have lived in many places and I really struggled, agonized actually, over how to convey “home” and this is where I ended up. This is what home means to me! Home is not about the building, or the city, but about the people who make you feel like home no matter where you go.

 Trinidad – where I was born:

 Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Where I grew up and where I currently reside:

Our South Florida Family

Tampa, Florida – We lived here for many years:

California – Where the rest of my husband’s heart resides:

My family on the west coast

 My scattered friends all around America:

Friends along the way

Over the last year Kenin and I have made a home out of a tiny box, our car. Our VW GTI has housed us and our two dogs on many long journeys and TheConstantRambler would not exist without it. We have made it from Key West, Florida to Deadhorse, Alaska in it. We have slept in the car and had many meals in it. It has kept us safe in all sorts of weather and taken us through many different terrains. This is currently the home that we spend the majority of our time in.

GTI – our smallest home thus far

Home is truly where the heart is! No matter where I go, where I might end up, these people (and many others whom I had no photos of ) will always make me feel like home!

As we venture into being full-time travelers, and bloggers,  we have found a new home. One without borders and without limits. There are too many new connections out there to name individually, but I thank all of you in the blogging community for helping us feel like we’re home.  So here’s to all the rest of the digital nomads out there that call the world their home.