Friendship Run 5K and Meet Our Ship

By Maryjo

Before we were bused to our cruise ship for the Hawaiian Running Cruise we had a Friendship Run 5K along Waikiki Beach. It was hosted by the Mid Pacific Road Runner’s Club and look, they even arranged a beautiful rainbow at the beginning of it.

After a quick briefing in the lounge, we walked to the start of the Friendship Run 5K where we broke up into different groups according to the pace you wanted to run it. This was not a timed race but rather a nice get-together to talk, run and relax.

It was super organized and the Club arranged 3 places you got  to stop and listen to information about some historical facts on the course. There was even a runner teaching us a luau dance at the turn-around.

And look at this view!

Afterwards we had some Shave Ice made right there for us.

We then cleaned up and did a little shopping for the boys. We got them ukuleles and brought them over to UPS to have them shipped home. I knew our cabin was going to be small plus I had no desire to pack them so we shipped them.We then walked around a bit and had fun in the local mall before meeting up with everyone to get on the bus.

Funny Thing About the Bus…

After our luggage was loaded and we were all on the bus, the bus driver noticed he could not shut the door. That’s because it was jammed against the sidewalk and could not close. So half the bus had to get off! We then gave it a little push off the sidewalk so the door could shut. We all got a laugh out of this.

It was kind of scary thinking we haven’t even started hitting the buffets yet and we were bottoming out the bus…

Pride of America!

Our ship was beautiful and our room was cabin comfy and ready for us after lunch. That evening was our Welcome Reception where we toasted to a wonderful cruise together.

John and Jenny made this inaugural cruise an alumni cruise  which means we all pretty much have cruised together before. It felt like a giant family reunion. And just like family-everyone was comfortable eating together. Desserts were my favorite!

We caught the show after dinner and then an early bed. We were still a little jet-lagged and had to get up early to run our first 5K in Maui the next morning!

Helpful Hints:

  • Pineapple and coconut go well together on Shave Ice
  • There’s a Handy Dandy UPS store over by Duke’s restaurant. If you want to ship something back home instead of packing it drop it off. They pack and ship it for you.
  • Pack comfy casual wear clothes for dinner. Norwegian Cruise lines no longer require ties, jackets or long dresses. (Unless you want to dress up!)
  • Be flexible and go with the flow. It’s all fun!