Friends Are Like Plants.

By Rachel Rachelhagg @thehaggerty5

There is something completely satisfying to me about pulling weeds. Before you leave me here alone because you are already bored, just hear me out.

Today in one of our flower beds I decided to go on a weeding rampage. No weed was safe. Just as things started getting on a serious roll, our middle child says:

” Mom! I really think you could sell this weed right here. It’s a good one.”

I’m not aware of where the thought of selling plants came from, but I did inform her we were not in Colorado, and here that is illegal. Could be great money, but frowned upon.

Also I was glad no one was around to hear it. Except for you guys.

The more weeds I pulled, the prettier the flower bed looked. The sight of the colorful flowers drove me to give the bed more beauty.

Beauty comes from a purification of all things dead and useless.

This is true in every area of our lives.

Beauty is a process of weeding out harmful things in our lives that do not produce things ripe for the picking. 


When I was a child ( and last week ) I used to pick wild flowers and put them in vases outside. I knew deep down that they were just weeds, but they were pretty all the same. Easy to harvest, but died soon after they were picked.

They were meant to stay in the woods, and not in a mason jar.

I think sometimes in my life I’ve picked weeds expecting them to be a bouquet of roses, only resulting in my disappointment of the arrangement.

The people in our lives are like plants.

Some need to be weeded out of our gardens. They are only distracting  your eyes from the beauty growing inside you heart.

In some seasons where your destiny is budding, just around the corner from blooming… you need to surround yourself with other bloomers. The weeds don’t bloom pureness. Only counterfeit.

Some are already on their second season of blooming, and in full swing gorgeousness in their hearts. These people you can pick from your garden and invite them inside your house. Put them in a mason jar where they will thrive anyway. These people adapt to your season and environment that you are in.

There are some people that only come around in certain seasons. Once they bloom in your life, their color doesn’t last long and soon they are gone. They leave when the weather in your life gets hot, and difficult to adapt to. Be careful watering these people. You want all season friends.


Tonight I just encourage you to evaluate who you are letting into your garden. Ask Holy Spirit to tell you who to keep watering and who to weed out.

He’s a good Father who doesn’t keep his will from us. He will tell us his plans if we ask him to.

Happy weeding. ( Don’t sell it. )