Fridge Art Friday

By Sarahanneconnors @thenmousette

Every week my daughter comes home beaming with some new and exciting thing she made in school. Constantly I am amazed at what she walks into the house with! I don’t know what ever happened to construction paper and crayons but these teachers are getting very savvy! I like it!

Since they are constantly blowing me away with their great projects I decided to create a weekly feature where I show off some my daughters art projects that make it to our refrigerator!
I hope you enjoy and that this will inspire you to get crafting on your own with your little ones!

So without further ado…

(If I had theme music this is when it would start to roll.. come to think of it, I need to get me some of that!)

I present to you the very first ever, and of all time Fridge Art Friday:

Flowers in a vase with cupcake wrappers and sunflower seeds

I absolutely loved when H gave me this for mother’s day! For the Vase they used real wallpaper which makes a great texture and allows it to really pop! The Heart shaped flower is a nice touch! I also love how the cupcake wrappers give the craft a 3D feel! The sunflower seeds are such a nice touch as well.

H said she really loved creating this, and I think it is a really cute and simple way to get the kids minds moving creatively

Feel Free to link up and share your favorite pieces of Fridge Art in the comments section and be sure to check back every week for a new Fridge Art Friday!