Friday’s Fab Find: Warner’s No Side Effects Bra

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

I hate buying bras. I suspect it has something to do with my first traumatic bra buying experience at a JC Penney in Oak Harbor WA. I was in 5th grade and my teacher Mrs. Scribner told my mother Jo I needed a bra. I was the first girl in my grade to get boobs. I still remember Jo screaming at the sales girl after she measured me that I COULDN'T be a B cup. I was only 12! Much screaming later I walked out with several bras and an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

Shopping for bras isn't much better since my girls have blown up to become Double D, British Nanny Boobs. One major issue is fit. Even when I can find a bra that I can squeeze my girls into I'm forced to deal with the dreaded underarm cleavage. When excess skin spills over the band and you look like you're smuggling sausage in your arm pits. The worst.

Warner's No Side Effects Bra

I am so grateful I finally found a solution! Warner No Side Effects Bra, click here for more, it features extra fabric along the side to rid you of unsightly rolls. Better still there is no elastic on the top so the fabric lays flat against your skin making it super comfortable and flattering.

If I can give you any advice about buying bras it is this. Go to a high end store and ask to be fitted. Yes it's a little uncomfortable to have a stranger put their hands on your chest but most women are wearing the wrong bra size! Don't let that be you. Another tip: Good bras aren't cheap and cheap bras aren't good. Spend the money to get a bra that is comfortable and flatters you. You can read about Bridgette Raes' own experience with getting fitted for a bra and the difference it made, here.

Want to check out these bras? THREE readers will get a FREE Bra from the Warner's No Side Effects bra collection. Just leave a comment below saying why you want to try a No Side Effect bra. "Like" their Facebook Page and you could win!