Friday’s Fab Find: Ulla Smart Hydration Reminder

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

I drink WAY too much soda. It's a problem. My New Year's Resolution is to limit myself to one regular can of soda and two diet soda per day. After that nothing but water.

So, really, my New Year's Resolution is to drink more water. Water is such a critical part of good health, but so few of us actually drink enough. It's estimated that 60% of Americans don't drink enough water daily. Most experts say you should drink 64 ounces of water a day or roughly a half gallon.

Hydration can help you lose weight both by making you feel more full and decreasing hunger signals (often when you think you're hungry you're really thirsty). Drinking water helps maintain muscles and reduces wrinkles in your face (seriously). Drinking water actually helps your brain function! There are so many benefits.

So what can you do to remind yourself to drink more water during the day? I am happy to say I found a very simple and easy device to increase your water intake. Introducing Ulla.

Ulla Smart Hydration Reminder

When I first read the directions for my Ulla I thought. "I can't be that simple." It is. Take the device and put the silicone band around a bottle or glass. It can detect when you aren't drinking any water. If you haven't taken a sip in 30-40 minutes (you can set the timer) it will flash. No annoying beeps either. Ulla uses a soft glow to remind you to drink. It runs on a battery (you can turn the device off at night to extend the battery life).

Yes it's just that easy.

Now you can have an Ulla too. Leave a comment and say why you need one below and you could win!

Do keep in mind you CAN overdo water. You'd really have to be pounding it down. I'm talking about drinking 4 or 5 gallons IN A DAY can lead to water poisoning aka water intoxication which is often fatal. So moderation!