Friday’s Fab Find: Giraffe Razor Extension Handle

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

I still remember in a speech class in junior high where the assignment was to do a demonstration. One boy 'shaved' another boy's face while giving advice on how to get a clean shave and avoid nicks. It's easy to avoid nicks when don't put a blade in your razor.

Personally, I thought the guys seemed like wimps. Even when guys do use a blade they still put on 3 inches of shaving cream then very slowly taking teeny tiny strokes. Amateurs. Have you ever seen a woman shave her legs? On a wet slippery surface, we hold a razor and take foot long strokes we can barely see with a thin veneer of soap lather while balancing on one leg. It's not safe.

It became worse when I went to college. No tub. Just a narrow stall. I was forced to contort myself into pretzels just to reach my calves. I gave up after I gashed my ankle.

Giraffe Razor Extension Handle

It's kind of amazing that it took this long for someone to come up with a solution. Introducing the Giraffe Razor Extension Handle. Website here.

Giraffe Razor Extension Handle was originally intended for women in their 2 nd and 3 rd trimesters. But it became clear all types of women were looking for a product when for a variety of medical and physical reasons shaving with a short handled razor becomes difficult.

The solution to this problem resulted in the invention of the Giraffe Razor Extension Handle, a personal grooming assistant that customizes the length and angle of your premium disposable or reusable razor handle. The telescoping handle adds 15-20 inches in length, and the articulating head rotates to a 30°, 45° or 90°-degree angle maximizing your reach, therefore, eliminating bending at the waist and overextending yourself while shaving your legs. These features also decrease the risk of falling when shaving in the shower by helping you to keep both feet firmly on the ground and putting an end to the balancing act known as "shower yoga"!

To help improve the functionality of the Giraffe, the ergonomic handle has quick connect and release buttons as well as a wrist lanyard. Another design consideration to help keep the cost down for the consumer are the universal razor adapters; they accommodate the most popular men's and women's disposable and reusable razors on the market today which means you may already have a razor that you are using which is compatible with the Giraffe.

Ready to try it for yourself? We are giving away a Giraffe Razor Extension Handle! Just leave a comment and say why you want one and you could win!