Friday’s Fab Find: Genuine Glow Skincare

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

It can be difficult to find the right skin care program that works for you. Especially if you have sensitive skin. I know it's been pretty hit and miss for me since my teens. I lost track of how many I used products that made my skin worse. Clearasil, I'm looking at you.

At Bridgette Raes, we pride ourselves in highlighting products that are both effective and ethical. We also like to focus on small businesses and ones that are run by women. We knocked this one out of the park.

Genuine Glow Skincare

Introducing Genuine Glow Skincare. Check out their website here. After learning that 60% of what she put on her skin is absorbed into the body within seconds, Genuine Glow Skincare founder, Nicki Carrea, began researching professional skin care products that had pure ingredients. She couldn't find any, well, none that she liked and that met her high standards. So she invented her own! She created her skin care line to both be extremely effective skin care that's healthy for the skin and use components sourced sustainably.

Genuine Glow only uses non-GMO pesticide-free products to produce high-quality ingredients, such as seaweed, botanical, and herbs. The formulas are undiluted, made without water or fillers. This ensures all products are packed with pure, active ingredients and are free of unnatural and artificial preservatives. Every ingredient has a specific purpose benefit your skin. Even the packaging strives to avoid corrosive plastics. Taking great care to use only non-toxic containers made from glass and PET/HDPE plastic. Of course, they are cruelty-free and completely vegan.

My personal faves are the Face Polish and Flawless Beauty Sleep Serum. The polish is gentle but effective and it smells amazing. It leaves my skin soft but not stripped. Now that my radiator heat is on, the air in my apartment is so dry. A tiny amount of the Flawless Beauty Sleep Nighttime Serum has been wonderfully soothing.

And now you can try them too. Leave a comment and "Like" Genuine Glow Facebook Page and you could win a sample set of their best sellers!