Friday’s Fab Find: Chinchar/Maloney

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

Big Bang Theory Season 5 Episode 12 “The Shiny Trinket Maneuver”

Sheldon Cooper: Remarkable. Diamonds, crystallized carbon. Every day, people go to the grocery store and come home with sacks full of carbon in the form of charcoal briquettes that they toss in their barbeques and set on fire. But just because you’ve got some carbon with the atoms stacked neatly, you expect me to plunk down thousands of dollars.

I almost never wear jewelry. Seriously, my ears aren’t even pierced.  I have nothing against jewelry per se, I just so rarely see pieces I actually like.

I was thrilled then when Bridgette Raes forwarded me a press release for Chinchar/Maloney Fine Jewelry.  This jewelry is really special.

Chinchar/Maloney is all handmade using rustic natural untreated diamonds (except for opaque black diamonds which are treated for color) to create completely unique one of kind pieces. I love how each piece has tiny imperfections that give it a natural look that clearly reminds you these are not mass produced. Each item was crafted personally with skill and love.

And thankfully they have a master jeweler in Roy the pug, whose eagle eyes oversee quality! Roy demands that all the diamonds and gemstones be conflict free and ethically sourced.

My personal fave which I must buy immediately is the key and lock ring. And because this small independently owned company sells directly to the public there are price points to fit any budget!

Save 10% on all Chinchar/Maloney jewelry

The kind souls at Chinchar/Maloney have graciously agreed to provide a 10% discount exclusively to Bridgette Raes readers! Use the code FAB FIND (all caps) when you check out.

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