Friday’s Fab Find: Batiste Dry Shampoo

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

My first experience with dry shampoo was a camping trip as a child (I despise camping in a hateful vicious kind of way) when my mother tried to clean my hair with it. It was a disaster. It looked like she’s gone after me with white spray paint. In college a friend referred to dry shampoo as “scalp whitener”.

Then last February I was helping my friend Malan Breton produce his fashion show  and one of his sponsors was Batiste Dry Shampoo. I thought it was odd. Did he ask his models not to wash their hair?

But their hair looked amazing.  See for yourself, here.

We each received a can of Batiste in our gift bags. A few months later my roommate presented me with an empty can. “Can you get more?” I was surprised to learn she LOVED the stuff. So I tried it.

Holy crap. This stuff is GREAT. Okay I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes and saying “I wash my hair! I don’t need this.” Uh but you do. Not only does this stuff freshen your hair ( You never skip shampoos? You don’t travel?) but I can see skipping a shampoo to use it on special occasions as no joke it makes your hair fuller and more manageable.  You spray the roots and it gives you such lift.

Batiste also makes dry shampoo with a hint of color for blondes and brunettes.  It helps blend in root re-growth of colored, tinted or bleached hair. A quick burst revitalizes hair, leaving it feeling clean and fresh. No need to worry about skipping a shampoo.

Seriously this stuff rocks.

Check out Batiste Dry Shampoo

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