Friday’s Fab Find: Ann Taylor Limited Edition Cashmere Scarf to Empower Women

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

I never wore scarves when I lived in the Pacific Northwest, which, when I think about now, seems odd. Between the rain and the wind, It was often very chilly. Since moving to New York, I have and wear dozens of scarves. Not only do they add pop of color to an outfit, they keep my neck warm. I even carry one in my purse during the summer in case the theater or the restaurant turns out to be one of those places that sets their air conditioner at "meat locker".

Just admit it, scarves rock. You know what rocks ever harder? Buying something you truly need and can use while knowing that your purchase can genuinely make a difference for the better in someone's life.

Ann Taylor Limited Edition Cashmere Scarf

In honor of International Women's Day March 8th, Ann Taylor has partnered with women who live in a remote village in the Indian Himalayas to create beautiful cashmere wool Pashmina scarves. The artisans who created the scarves are part of Ann Taylor's 100K commitment to women, a project that works to provide access to medical care, training opportunities, and development of job skills for women so they can support themselves and their families, all while providing you with beautiful, warm, crazy soft wool cashmere scarves created by women who spent years mastering the art of collecting Pashmina wool, hand spinning the yarn and individually dyeing each piece. The scarves are available in gray, rose mist, and off-white and will keep you nice and warm at the multiplex or as you dine al fresco this spring. Since each scarf is created by hand, they contain small variations that make each one completely unique.

You can shop for them here.

Or if you want to learn more about Responsibly Ann Project's commitment to women artisans through ethically produced environmentally responsible products go here.