Friday’s Events (XVIII)

By Readingromances

Subtitle This Cover is a new weekly event here at Reading Romances where we ask YOU, dear reader, to create a subtitle for a book cover! Click the cover or the badge to enter your subtitle!
This week’s cover is…

My Subtitle is “A Surrealistic Ride”! LOL..Cause he couldn’t possibly be in that possition..and WTH is wrong with that horse? Poor thing!!

This week’s questions for other blogs hops are:



Q. If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

Harry Potter,  for sure, but I gess J.K.Rowling would have to add some more female characters! I gess Hermione’s BFF,  a girl needs friends (but without the drama)! LOL

The Reviews We Don’t Write: Have you ever read a book and not wanted to review it? Are some books too personal that we want to keep our thoughts our own?

Yes and yes! But in the end I always end up reviewing them, cause it’s a way to reflect and critique everything that I read. It helps to improve my analysys after reading a book and before writing reviews. It’s a great practice.