Friday Reads: The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon

By Khourianya @khourianya
I don't often review a cookbook (mainly because I rarely follow one), but I am compelled to do so for this one.
The Oh She Glows website has been a wonderful resource for healthy living for a while now.  I am so happy she finally released a cookbook but not for the reasons you might imagine.   Our family is vegetarian, so it is really nice to have another cookbook that we can eat anything from.   The real reason I have fallen in love with this book is that the recipes are things my kids will ACTUALLY EAT!
True story.
When I first opened the parcel from Amazon, my daughters crowded around me and we poured through the beautiful pictures.  They started a chorus of "Can we make that?  and that? and that?" until we found one that we had all of the ingredients for and could make that night.  Pan-Seared Garlic Tofu.

I chopped and seasoned and smacked their little hands and they kept reaching into the bowl to eat the tofu raw!  As soon as I had it all cooked up - it pretty much vanished!
Ok - that could have been a fluke.  They like tofu as it is, though usually not so voraciously.  
So, I went grocery shopping for some ingredients that might challenge their tastebuds.  Raw cashews, walnuts, apple cider vinegar...dinner was going to be a real test.
That night I made the Life Affirming Warm Nacho Dip and the Taco Fiesta Potato Crisps.   The dip was a cheese-like swirl full of veggies and cashew "cheese" made from carrots, cashews and nutritional yeast.   I wish I'd taken photos or videos of them adding scoop after scoop of the stuff to their plates and exclaiming "DEEEE-LICIOUS!" as they shoveled it into their faces.   The Potato crisps might have been a bigger hit if I'd peeled the potatoes instead of following the recipe to the letter.   But the cashew sour cream was sure popular and they were scraping the toppings off the potatoes with their chips - including the walnut taco meat!
I already love this cookbook and I am sure it will be well loved in our kitchen as I work to teach my children that there is life beyond copious amounts of cheese.  
Highly recommend this one.  It might be vegan, but I think even meat-eaters will love it!