Friday Reads: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

By Khourianya @khourianya
O.M.G.  How am I only discovering Rainbow Rowell now?
After reading so many raves from bloggers I love - I decided to finally load Fangirl onto my Kobo.  It took about three sentences for me to fall in love - bioth with Rowell's writing style and her character - a socially awkward girl heading off to college for the first time and finding herself ripped away from her identical twin who, while at the same college, is looking to forge her own path away from the one she shares a face with.   Cath is an english major who is sort of internet famous in her own way - as the fan fiction author of a series based on the "Simon Snow" books (think Harry Potter-esque).
I could so relate to Cath as she tried to find a way to keep true to herself and to satisfy her fans as the drama in her own freshman life begins to unfold. Through how unlikely friendships happen to blinding stumbling through the opening scenes of romance,  the book unfolds into a quirky coming-of-age chicklit novel for geeks.   Wow - that sounds odd written that way but it feels most honest for what this refreshing voice in fiction has provided.  Especially for those of us who may have had our own coming-of-age stories happen a bit later than most.
If you are a geek, secretly loving this one.   I am about to log onto Kobo to devour the rest of her books immediately!