Friday Loving Like I Always Do

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Friday, we meet again! I'm always happy to see you & I welcome you with open arms.
Today will be a super fantastic day. Wanna know why? Because I will be lounging poolside with my BFF :) OH YES. Whatever you're doing, I hope that you enjoy your day....and your weekend!
As always I'm linking up with the lovely Lauren for some High Five for Friday action. 

So let's get to it, shall we?! Here are the top 5 things from my week :)
Remember when the Smell the Roses task was to surprise someone just because? Well the Rays game that I bought Adam tickets for was Wednesday night. So fun...I love going to baseball games! AND the Rays beat Boston....whoop! I even bought us Rays hats...mine has cute little rhinestones & everything.

Don't you just love when your quiet time hits home? This one went straight to my heart! The first paragraph about how life isn't supposed to complicated/stressful really stood out to me. God's pretty incredible! Am I right or am I right?!

I got the 50th (and last) spot for the first month of Just Lovely Thing's new LOVE CLUB! I am so stoked about it! It's sort of like a Birchbox type thing but instead of just beauty products, it includes accessories as well...SO up my alley! I recently canceled my Birchbox subscription so I'm hoping that this will fill that void ;)

This week was a great mail week. I love getting snail mail, and I got a lot of it this week :) Lindsay, my blog big sister, sent me the sweetest card with a note about me graduating. I just love her. She really has a heart of gold, and if you've never read her're really missing out!
And my friend, Kelsey sent me the card with all of the old ladies in swimsuits in an envelope that read "Blogging Queen of the Universe." She always knows what I need to read to put a smile on my face. I'm so blessed to have such encouraging friends!

And along with that snail mail, I got a good email from my blog best friend, Meg, this week :) I just love talking to her. Is it weird that even though I've only emailed her/tweeted her that I feel like I've known her for years?! No? Not weird? Good I didn't think so either ;) Love you, Meg! 

I ordered a package from one of my favorite Etsy shops (The Lovely Lemon) last week, and the package came over the weekend :) I ordered the ivory colored dreamcatcher necklace & the crochet cup sleeve. And because she is so awesome, she sent me the yellow dreamcatcher necklace as a surprise! 
Sara is one of the most creative people that I know! Yes...I know her in real life and she is amazing. So you should totally go visit her blog. And guess what...she's sponsoring LLT next month, so you'll be getting to know all about her. GET EXCITED!

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Do you want to sponsor Lovely Little Things in June?! Spots are filling up fast, so if you're interested just shoot me an email & we'll figure something out :)
P.S. I'm guest posting over at The Thing About Joy today!