Friday Funny: Klepper and Grey

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

My husband recently introduced me to the Tumblr page of comedic duo, Klepper and Grey, and I could not stop laughing.  These two sketch comedians have performed at UCB (Upright Citizens Brigade) a reputable comedy club in New York City, and their videos are littered on YouTube.  I am drawn to them mostly for their “Engaged” series and their skits about what it’s like to live in the Big Apple.  While watching, you can really relate to the topics they cover.  I have gone through the wedding planning process, and the tiniest details can seem so major at the time.  It’s great to look back and laugh at how silly some conversations were during the preparation.  This comedic pair performs simple skits, but they really evoke the humor in every day life tasks, especially of a New York City couple.

The trials and tribulations of living in a small apartment…

The things we discuss while wedding planning…

Because you have to dress up to go just about anywhere in this town…

When your neighbors are way cooler than you’ll ever be…

Hope you got a laugh out of these.  If you want to see more from Jordan Klepper and Laura Grey, check out their Tumblr page.  You won’t be disappointed!

Happy Friday everyone!

