Friday Fotos: Current Flickr Favorites

By Bbenzon @bbenzon
Generally I've opted for some kind of thematic order for my Friday Fotos. Not so this Friday. Today I'm letting visitors to my Flickr page pick the photos. These are the photos that have been viewed most often since last evening.
Graffiti in a back alley in Jersey City, now gone, taken in August, 2013:
A photo of the Hudson River I took on February 10, but posted only yesterday:
Looking across the Hudson at Manhattan, taken on February 11, posted yesterday:
We've seen a lot of these little guys. I took the photo in August of 2012 and its now been viewed 1672 times:
I took this in September of 2012:
One of my shaky-cam photos, taken on 14 July 2012:

From September of 2013:

From November, 2011, in Liberty State Park:

August of last year:

August, 2012: