Friday Five: Favorite Springtime Foods

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Friday! I am sorry I missed you guys on ANOTHER Wednesday!  Two weeks in a row…eek!  Work has been especially tough this week with lots of really late nights of work and not a minute to breath during the day. I feel like I am failing at life, but we will leave that for another post.

I cannot tell you how happy I am that it is Friday and I get a little reprieve.  So, I am  linking up with the DC Trifecta: Mar on the Run, You Signed Up for What, and Eat Pray Run DC for their Friday Five: Favorite Springtime Foods today!

I had to think for a long while on this post, mainly because you all know I don’t cook, like hardly ever. Robyn loves to cook (and bake) and is incredible at it, so he takes that on in our house.  I have no complaints, I never have to worry about what I am eating and always know it tastes great!

Here are my favorite Springtime Foods:

Berries- ALL THE BERRIES!! I don’t care what kind, blackberries (my fav), blueberries, raspberries, strawberries…if it’s a berry, I will eat it! I LOVE going berry picking with my boys, a tradition Robyn and I have passed down and now share with Ashton.


Stone Fruits - Along the same line as berries, I love stone fruits, nectarines (especially white flesh ones,) peaches, cherries, plums, apricots, mango–you get the idea!


Veggies on the grill-A big pile of grilled veggies makes me so incredibly happy. We cook a lot of veggies in our house all year round and they are always great, but I especially love them on the grill.  The extra flavor boost is making my mouth salivate right now!


Corn on the cob- Throughout the year, pretty much the only time I eat corn is when it’s in salsa, but come Spring/Summer one of my favorite things at a BBQ is corn on the cob.  There is something about biting into a piece of corn on the cob that just brings such good memories of my childhood.


White Sangria- Let’s be honest, shall we? Anytime is a good time for Sangria, but when the temps start to warm up and you are spending more time outdoors, especially eating outdoors, there is nothing more refreshing to me after a long day than a cold mason jar of my special, homemade white sangria!

That’s it folks, my Friday Five: Favorite Springtime Foods!  Join in below and let me know what yours are and have an awesome weekend!


Question of the day

What’s your favorite springtime food or drink?