I’ve been putting off doing this post because I am failing SO HARD on all of the challenges I set myself at the beginning of the year. Crappola.
Here is the progress I’ve made so far this year (AUGUST…REALLY?):
The TBR Pile Reading Challenge
I signed up for this challenge to get through all of the books that have been sitting on my shelves for ages, some for up to 5 years, but at the time I’d just received loads of books for Christmas and my birthday so I decided to make a rule that only the books that had been on my shelf for over 4 months would count towards it. What a mistake that was!
Obviously I read all my shiny new books first, hence my ridiculously bad start! But luckily I only went for the 11-20 level, so I can still make it, right?
TBR Pile Challenge Books Read: 4
The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen, 3/5
The Princess Bride by William Goldman, 4/5
The Prisoner of Brenda by Bateman, 3/5
The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Mass, 4/5
Rereads Challenge
Since I started blogging, one of main thing I miss doing is rereading my favorite books. I used to reread a lot, but it’s hard to find the time when there are so many new books coming out all the time. Hence, this challenge. I challenged myself to reread 10 books and I did a poll to decide.
I doubt I’m going to complete this challenge by the end of the year, but I’m going to pull my socks up, I promise!
Reread Books Read: 2
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman, 4/5
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, 4/5 – I’ve just realised I STILL haven’t reviewed this.
Once Upon a Time VIII
I signed up for this very loosely termed ‘challenge’ at some point because it sounded so much fun. Thankfully I went for the minimum participation which was to read one book that falls into the categories of Fairy Tale, Folklore, Fantasy or Mythology, and to read (or watch) A Midsummer Night’s Dream in June. I kind of forgot about that, but I’m hoping if I read it while it’s still summer it won’t be held against me.
I am also currently reading Godmother by Carolyn Turgeon, which will fulfill the Fairy Tale requirement.
Goodreads Challenge
2014 Reading Challenge
read 44 books toward her goal of 70 books. hide 44 of 70 (62%) view books
In better news I am 3 books ahead on my overall book challenge for the year. Hurrah!