Friday Favorites Plus A Shocker!
By Cait
And we thought we'd never get to Friday right?! At least that what I kept telling myself when I swear it was Tuesday and finally we reached our favorite day of the week ! We finally are getting back to a normal schedule and this weekend seems low key considering the last 4 were a jumble of cleaning the house, having visitors in and out and traveling. Zach and I are key on routine and really enjoy some down time. We have a birthday party to attend to for one of our good friend's and plan on taking the nice weather in with a hike and picnic!
As usual for our Friday, I'm sharing some things I'm loving with you all. I hope you're able to enjoy the much as I do and comment on what you're enjoying the comments below. Although this week does happen to be usual favorites, there is one little shocker below. Keep reading!
Bathing suits. I've been nervous about wearing bathing suits this year but after a solid month work out at the gym, I'm feeling a bit better. Suits like this one really caught my eye and I love the bright colors! You can save 10% using code CAITLINAPRIL too!
April Book Club. As excited as I was for this novel, I just couldn't get into it. Call me crazy for the first time but the book didn't keep me as engaged as I thought. I'm blaming it on all the stress we had with visitors every single weekend from out of town, plus traveling so I honestly couldn't get as much reading done as I wanted too. Sorry there won't be great review but I'm anxious to hear what you all thought of it if you read in the comments below!
Urban Tree Cidery. I met up with a girlfriend and a few other social media individuals at a cute swanky little place for happy hour. We ventured to Urban Tree Cidery, which offers something for everyone. Personally I'm a cider lover and always choose it over beer so I was really excited to try their taste testing. plus local beers and cocktails! I'll be going back soon and give a full recap coming up in the next few weeks!
For Tori. I've been following this gorgeous girl on Instagram and was heartbroken to hear of her battle she lost to cancer this past week. She seemed so full of life and it's another reminder that life is not promised to tomorrow. Hold your loved ones tight friends and thank God for another day on this great earth.
HOLY by FGL. This song came on the radio this morning as I was driving to work and wow, it's incredible. I'm a huge FGL fan and hearing their new song just gave me goosebumps. Have you heard it? I'm pretty sure you'll love it too.
What are some things you're loving this week?