Friday Favorites

By Thedreamery

This week, more like past month, has been a struggle to find happiness again. I’ve been caught in quite an inconsistent mood roller coaster, acting more like my own worst enemy with few days that were peaceful. Well, this week I guess the light finally came on, or it could be the sun melting the snow that’s gotten me really determined to truly transform this year into what I intended for it. I often get overwhelmed and frustrated I’m not where I thought I’d be at this point of my life, like most people, but in the end where I am and what I’m doing is what is meant for me at this moment.

I am also someone who is very affected by my surroundings, yes by others’ moods, living spaces but for me it’s predominantly weather and nature. I can definitely say that all this snow has us east coasters feeling slightly loopy, but I’m outside of my element. I find nothing beautiful, enticing or motivating about bitter winters, another reason “cheery” hasn’t quite been associated with me lately. I’m a warm heart, completely transformed when there is sunshine, lush greenery and flowers blooming, but that simply isn’t a good enough reason to allow myself to feel so low. I don’t have control over that, none of us do, but what I can control is my perception. I’ve been reading How to Train a Wild Elephant, a much useful book for everyone to read people in today’s society where we often lose our sense of being mindful and present in our daily lives. Each week I embark on small tasks, that can really affect your outlook of life, and if you truly dedicate yourself to following through, the results are positive.

A friend said something simple, yet strikingly true “there are very few reasons in life to be mad and upset, but there are far greater reasons to constantly smile and laugh”. I don’t thank myself enough, nor do I think about my good qualities, the things that make me, until given a complement from others, so like I’ve promised myself I’m going to be kinder to myself. To smile everyday, to commit to pushing myself physically and mentally, and really take that initiative to put myself out there. It’s one thing to be creative and have endless ideas, but if you don’t act upon them then of course you’re causing yourself to become stagnant, and life is to beautiful and precious to not enjoy it. {image above}

It’s time to get my portions back in line

I’ve been filling my home with plenty of flowers and my favorite honeysuckle scent in hopes Spring might come sooner

Snow is quite beautiful and peaceful when in the right setting
Surround yourself with inspirational quotes and images, your mood changes instantly
Even in the dead of winter, life still remains There are few productive things snow days bring, time to plan my garden and extra time to make pizza after already baking this bread Through the ups and downs, I couldn’t be more proud of myself for being the kind of person that is motivated to run twice in one day and over 7 miles, training for my first half marathon has really taught me a lot. Ironically I saw this quote after my afternoon run with my pup, it not only motivates me to run better but I connected to it in other areas of my life as well.

“Running is a road to self-awareness and reliance-you can push yourself to extremes and learn the harsh reality of your physical and mental limitations or coast quietly down a solitary path watching the earth spin beneath your feet.” Doris Brown Heritage, First woman to run sub 5-minute indoor mile

Thirty days to spring and counting…