Friday Favorites #4: Book Genres

By Vanessa Kay @blushinggeek

What’s your favorite book genre/s?

  • Suspense/Thriller/Mystery

If you check out the first 10 book reviews I posted when I started blogging, you will notice that almost all of them were from Mary Higgins Clark. She has written 51 best seller books in the United States and various European countries, thus giving her the title as America’s Queen of Suspense. You see why I love her now? hehe.

I started to really love reading when I was introduced into the beautiful world of Tagalog Romance but it was because of MHClark’s books that I also started to love reading books in English, and in time, branched out and tried other books from different authors and genres.

You see, this was my very first favorite genre and I guess that’s the main reason why I’m so picky when it comes to it. I’m an adventurous reader but when it comes to this genre, I always have reservations. I’m so reserved that I almost don’t wanna try other authors. But I’m trying to change that…in baby steps. *wink

  • Romance

Before, I only love romance if it’s written in Tagalog (Philippine’s official language). I’m not sure where I got this idea, but I always think romance written in English contains very uncomfortable bed scenes and back then, I was so naive and so narrow minded that I don’t want to have anything to do with it. But after reading My Wattpad Love by Ariana Godoy, all of those false assumptions disappeared and guess what I love to read most days now? Yep, it’s Romance.

I love most romance books but I always enjoys YA especially if it’s funny. Before, I’m not really into historical romance but I am beginning to enjoy them. And because of Ilona Andrews, I am growing a liking for Paranormal Romance as well (shamelessly thinking of the sexy shirtless Mad Rogan) *wink.

  • Fantasy/Adventure (with a little bit of action)

Just like romance, I am very hesitant to try this genre too. I love fantasy (either with magic or with fangs) but only in movies, but after finally reading the Harry Potter series, I was reformed. I love it more if there’s romance, I know I know, I’m a sucker remember? Hehe.

I’ve been eyeing steampunk and dystopia lately and I guess it wouldn’t take much time until I gave in *wink.

So, how about you? What are your favorite genres?

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