Friday Favorites

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Hello hello! And YAY that it's finally Friday! It's been a hectic week but thankfully this weekend seems to be a little low key with a few fun things sprinkled in throughout the day. I love some relaxing moments with my little family, especially because next weekend will be a blur of events due to being in Chicago for my cousin's wedding! But as usual, I'm getting ahead of myself ha!

1. Smoothies w/ PB2- I'll be sharing the recipe of this next week but I'm trying to get back into smoothies- specifically using easy, delicious products. For instance I'm starting to really become addicted to PB2 and adding them into everything- especially smoothies. Again stay tuned. You don't want to miss this! I love the Peanut Butter and Chocolate bundle pack. 

2. Good Friends/Blogger Babes- I've been having a lot of anxiety/stress over the last few months. We've had some big news come our way which has been a lot of uncertainty with our family. It's nothing scary so we can all attempt to calm our nerves but it has been stressful being in limbo with what may be happening/or may not be happening. I know it's all pretty vague but I really do appreciate all the prayers, positive vibes and support many of you have given/reached out to me. Even if it's just a "Just checking in" or "Hey, love your hair today!" These small gestures mean the world.

3. Awesome Giveaway- For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you may have heard me mention on my stories the other day that I'm teaming up with a fellow blogger ( Hey ASH! ) and we're giving away something pretty awesome. The Giveaway starts at 5pm and open to everyone in the United States so stay tuned for that on that social channel.

4. Investing - As many of you know, I've been blogging for a long time ( about 8 years! ) and while it always seemed just a side hobby, the last 2 I've really tried to step it up to make a few extra dollars. Taking the plunge and going a step further, I've recently signed up for Helene's Instagram course to really help me reach more of you, connect with you and make sure you're really loving all the content I'm throwing out there both on the blog and on Instagram. I've heard so many success stories and thought, what the heck- lets try it! 

5. Podcasts/Reading-  While I may be running around like a crazy person most days, when I do have some down time I've been trying to not get sucked into too much TV ( with the exception of This Is Us --who else is freaking out for Sunday's episode ?! ) and instead, putting on some headphones to listen to my favorite podcasts or a new book. I've got a few books ( like THIS and THIS )  I can't wait to share with you next week!
What are some things that make you smile this week?Any fun weekend plans?