Friday Favorites

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Happy Friday friends! I'm still battling this awful cold from a few weeks ago which apparently everyone seems to have. You know that itchy sore throat, hacking up a lung and chills with a fever. Yup- it's going around my home and my office so it's been a fun week that's for sure!  I hope you all are staying healthy through this flu and cold season! Landon is FINALLY sleeping through the night thank goodness ( two thumbs WAY up! ) so I'm counting my blessings and my sleep the next few days to keep it going! Keep your fingers crossed too ok?
Anyways, I wanted to share some things that have been going on and that I'm loving this week with you all! As always, feel free to share what are you loving in the comments below!
1. Ugly Sweater- We have an Ugly Sweater content at my office next week as well as a party to attend later on in the month! Although I'd love to share what I found, I'm keeping it a secret until both parties are finished. Believe me-- it's one you don't want to miss!

2. Bear Town- When my sister was here last week she usually gives me some great recommendations as to what books she's been loving! She told me she just finished BearTown and loved it, which of course I went to my Kindle Fire and downloaded the book later that day! I just started and already am immersed in the plot! I'll let you know how it is when I'm finished!

3. New Coat - There have been so many fabulous coats floating around blog land that I can't seem to figure out which one I want! Although it doesn't get super cold down here in Atlanta, I still like a nice warm to coat to put on when heading to work. When I saw this one I knew I needed it!

4. Duvet - Speaking of cozy, who doesn't love to jump into bed after a long day of work and snuggle down for the night? Well when I saw this amazing, dreamy, MUST HAVE , stripe duvet cover I may be asking Santa for it! I all want to come over for a sleepover right?
What are you loving lately?