So let's get to the real reason you probably stopped by! I usually share on Fridays a few of my favorite things so grab that cup of coffee and let's get started! As always, feel free to share what you are enjoying this week in the comments below! I really do love hearing from you!
2. GOT - I know I know everyone was freaking out the Game Of Thrones episode last Sunday and truth be told..I ended up falling asleep about 5 minutes into the show! It had been a really big weekend so I'm actually excited to watch it tonight ( no spoilers please ! ) after the kids go to bed. Blame the Mom life mmmk!
3. In The News - While browsing through articles the other day, this one really caught my attention, especially after the Taylor Swift court case that just ended. Read it and let me know your thoughts. This also got my attention about tough marriage. More coming to the blog about that next week.
4. T. Swift New Album- Some of you saw on my Insta Stories that I was anxiously awaiting whatever Taylor was going to be throwin' down on her Instagram! Turns out she has a new album coming out and I for one am kinda freaking out. Yes I still love the girl! Ever since I stood in line for two hours after her one of her concerts in college and she gave me the biggest hug ever-- yeah..she is the bomb. Erm yeah and that hair cut...let's forget about that!
5. St. Simon Island Recommendations - For Labor Day we are heading to St. Simon Island with friends! Did I mention it was kid free? WOO! So this newbie has never been and really could use some recommendations like what to eat, do, see.. ! Let me know!