Friday Favorites

By Thedreamery

Can you believe it’s October already? Halloween is just three weeks away, and before you know it will be Christmas, but don’t worry I’m not getting ahead of myself. On the contrary I’ve been enjoying each and everyday in the present moment. The weather has been perfect this week, but even more perfect are the scenic drives and colorful trees. It’s been too wonderful to pass up another weekend at the farm, where we picked up more apples and pumpkins. I made this pumpkin ice cream, which has become my fall favorite, and these baked apple chips, a satisfying and healthy snack.

Personally I’ve been going through a bit of a funk, we all go through low moments in our life, we’re all human, but it only makes us stronger and in turn the person we are supposed to be. Each day has been a new day, one with a positive outlook and determination on life. This past week I’ve decided once and for all to commit to a wholesome lifestyle; clean eating, making decisions that will lead me towards my long-term goals, and above all not to judge or doubt myself, and appreciate what I have and where I am in my life right now.

I’m thankful for my amazing boyfriend and best friend, for encouraging me and never letting me forget the true and happy person that I am. But I am also thankful for this blog of mine, the place that I can be creative, inspire and share my thoughts and ideas. Knowing that a simple recipe, styling board or photo can inspire someone else motivates me to not only believe in myself, but to learn and do more. So thank you, and remember that we all have bad days, but they don’t make us who we are, it’s surpassing those moments and negative feelings that matters. There’s always a rainbow and a sunny day waiting on the other side.Sautéed mushrooms from this soup, and added butternut squash from this soup to make a comforting and delicious fall soup
Adorned the house with these festive pumpkins
Currently can’t put down Not That Kind of GirlSome bedside table re-styling

Gardening makes me happy. Thinking of some new recipes to use these green peppers, and Japanese eggplants that are almost ready to harvest

This is by far one of my favorite Martha Stewart Living covers. I love pie, it’s just too beautiful

Amazed by these spooky looking gourds from our trip to Alstede Farms