Friday Fancy Pants.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

The title of this post is a little misleading because my pants are in fact, not fancy. I’m referring to the entire outfit because of the cardigan being fancy and therefore, I’m the Fancy Pants. It’s Friday people… roll with it, hmm k?

I’ve got a lotta things on my mind this week. I shared a little bit about the big life decision looming over our heads and unfortunately I have nothing new to report on that. But let me tell you, this unknown is killing me. As someone who suffers from anxiety on the reg, situations like this make it ten times worse. I like to be in control and when I’m not, I tend to panic a little. I’m trying to throw my arms up and let God or fate or whoever wants to take this one, take it. But it’s not easy and in fact, it sucks. But it will all work out one way or another. It has to, right?

In other news, my 29th birthday is quickly approaching. How in the world am I this old?! My dad made it a point to tell me I’m entering the last year of my twenties (thanks Dad!) which makes it even crazier. Like I still feel like I’m sixteen and going out with my friends after the football game. But I know my body disagrees. I seriously have the worst aches and pains! My mom keeps telling me I need to workout if for no other reason but to keep my body in shape and my bones strong. Moms are always right so I guess I should get on that huh?

We have ZERO plans this weekend and I am super excited about it. Weekends with my little fam are my favorite. Coffee, cartoons, Nerf gun wars, and our new thing? Kinetic Sand. Michaels had it 70% off last week and we stocked up. It’s been so helpful with Nolan and his behavior “issues” aka being a four year old. We’ve been doing a lot of different activities though so I’ll get together a post on that for next week too. Along with my thoughts on Making a Murderer since I totally meant to do that this week but spaced. #blonde.

Have a great weekend friends! Apparently there are huge winter storms coming so stay warm and stay safe. See you Monday! xo

Photo credit: A.E Photography