Friday Cocktail

By Brian Abbott

Luxury cocktail

This Friday, try a little taste of the high life with a Luxury Cocktail.

This drink dates back at least as far as the early 1960s, appearing in the 1964 edition of Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender’s Guide.  The recipe calls for using a 6 ounce saucer champagne glass… or you could use a fancy goblet.  This cocktail makes for an excellent alternative to mere champagne for a celebratory toast.

There is another, more contemporary drink with this name that uses gin, vermouth, lime juice, and crème de banana. However, this recipe is the classic version with the swankier ingredients, champagne and brandy.

What you’ll need:  Brandy, Champagne, and Bitters

Pour three ounces of brandy and then three ounces of champagne (chilled in advance) directly into your glass.  Add in two dashes of bitters (preferably orange-flavored), and then stir gently.

How I like it:  I give a little edge to the champagne and will add 1/2 ounce more than the recipe calls for.  This is providing that the glass used has enough room.  The other slight change is the use of Apricot Brandy for a sweeter and more citrusy flavor.

In the event you have an open bottle of champagne that may have gone rather flat, consider serving up this cocktail.  Even without the bubbly, the drink makes for a fine apéritif.

Drink well, but responsibly!