Friday Cocktail

By Brian Abbott

Ramos Gin Fizz

Is it time for a Friday cocktail? If so, try the classic Ramos Gin Fizz.

It’s a frothy drink with a slight sweet and citrus taste. It’s also one of the oldest cocktails. Fizz drinks have been around since the 1880s, and became even more popular around the turn of the century. Gin Fizzes are arguably the most popular and well-known in this category of cocktail. And of these, the Ramos Gin Fizz is perhaps the premier edition.

Henry Carl Ramos invented the drink at the Imperial Cabinet Saloon in New Orleans in 1888. It’s also known as the New Orleans Gin Fizz. It was certainly popular before Prohibition and apparently quite the production. The mixing time could take up to 12 minutes! After the end of Prohibition, Louisiana Governor Huey Long championed his favorite mixed drink by having a N’Orleans bartender teach the drink to the hotel bartenders in NYC.

I’d heard of this classic cocktail before, and was fortunate enough to try it out at a cocktail event at the Aster Parlor & Pantry in Syracuse. I decided it was past time to give this one a go at home. The recipe is included in my trusty 1964 edition of Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender’s Guide, but I followed the recipe provided in mini-cocktail guide provided at the Aster Parlor & Pantry event.

What you’ll need: Gin, Heavy Cream, Lemon Juice, Lime Juice, Sugar Syrup, Orange Flower Water, Egg White, and Sparkling Water

Pour 1 1/2 ounce of gin, 1 ounce of heavy cream, 1/2 ounce each of lemon and lime juice, and about 3/4 ounce of sugar syrup in an empty shaker (no ice). Add in a teaspoon of orange flower water and 1 egg white. Do not add the sparkling water. Not unless you want an absolute mess. Shake all the ingredients (minus the sparkling water) vigorously. The alcohol and citrus juices help “cook” the egg. Add cracked ice to the shaker, and then shake some more. Your arms may get tired, but keep going for at least couple minutes.

Strain the cocktail into a coupe glass and top it off with sparkling water. Optionally, add a lemon twist or mint sprig for garnish. And voila!

How I like it: I’ll admit that Aster Parlor & Pantry made it better, but mine wasn’t so bad for a first try. The biggest challenge is the orange flower water. It’s not the easiest ingredient to find. As a slight work around I used an orange-vanilla flavored sparkling water and added a quick dash of bitters “to mimic” the missing ingredient. I also went a little lighter on the gin. The original recipe I followed called for one and three-fourths ounce. I shaved off a quarter ounce.

This drink is perfect for a spring fling or summer party. Just don’t let it sit out too long.

Please note: consuming raw ingredients may pose a health risk. Make sure any eggs you use are fresh.

Drink responsibly!