Friday Cocktail

By Brian Abbott

Hole-in-One Cocktail

How’s your golf game? Celebrate or take solace with a Hole-in-One Cocktail.

Consider a Rob Roy or a Manhattan, and try this variation.  The Hole-in-One dates back at least to the early 1960s, appearing in the 1964 edition of Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender’s Guide.  The drink calls for scotch whisky, dry vermouth, and lemon juice with a dash of bitters.  The latter two ingredients are what distinguish it from the Rob Roy (or Manhattan) and make for a lighter, citrusy drink perfect for a summer afternoon, especially after a round or two of golf.

What you’ll need:  Scotch, Dry Vermouth, Lemon Juice, Bitters

In a shaker over cracked ice, pour in 1 1/2 ounce Scotch, 3/4 ounce dry vermouth, and 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice.  Add in a dash or two of bitters.  Shake and then strain into a cocktail glass.

How I like it:  I like to envision a gruff colonel hanging out at the country club with a glass of his cocktail of choice: a Hole-in-One served up on the rocks in an old-fashioned glass.  So no matter how poor his golf game, he could always go home and truthfully say he “had a hole in one.”  So I, too, will take this one with a full teaspoon of lemon juice and serve it up on the rocks.

Avoid hazards and drink responsibly!