Friday Cocktail

By Brian Abbott

Weep No More cocktail

Will you cry into your glass with this Friday cocktail, Weep No More?

Because of its name, this drink reminds me of Mary Higgins Clark’s 1987 title, Weep No More, My Lady.  Clark tends to name her books after song titles and this one is no exception.  It’s derived from the 1914 song of the same name by L. Wolfe Gilbert.

The cocktail dates back as far as the early 1960s and appears in the 1964 edition of Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender’s Guide.  The original proportions called for only 3/4 ounces of Dubonnet and Brandy, but I’ve upped the portions in keeping with modern conventions.

Dubonnet is a quinine aperitif, which was first created for the French Foreign legionnaires, serving in North Africa, to fortify themselves against malaria.  Its creation dates back to the 1840s and takes its name from its creator Joseph Dubonnet.  Dubonnet has both a red (rouge) and white (blanc) version, but the red tends to be more readily available, at least as far as I’ve found.

What you’ll need:  Dubonnet (rouge), Brandy, Lime Juice, and Maraschino.

In a shaker over cracked ice, pour in equal portions (I recommend an ounce) each of Dubonnet and your brandy of choice.  Add in about 3/4 lime juice and a half teaspoon of maraschino liqueur.  Shake well and then strain into your cocktail glass.  Optionally, garnish with a maraschino cherry.

How I like it:  Dark and deep, this cocktail has a rich-bodied flavor that is reminiscent of a Pomegranate martini, but perhaps not as sweet.  It has a quiet sophistication that will likely grow on you.  If you’re lacking the maraschino liqueur, just use the juice from a jar of maraschino cherries, which make for a perfect garnish.  As seen above, I think this drink suits a coupe glass best.

Don’t be lachrymose, drink responsibly!