Freshly Pressed Ping

Posted on the 07 June 2012 by Cheerfulegg @lioyeo

So last night, in my sleep-deprived, mentally frustrated state, I dashed off a post - Revenge of the Ping - about how the Ping totally ruined my plans for yesterday. I totally didn’t expect it to get featured on the Freshly Pressed section of, generating more than 5,000 hits, 74 comments and 79 followers (and counting!) in a single day! Woweeee!

Ironically, today was my biggest Ping day ever with my WordPress app buzzing every other minute and my inbox flooding with WordPress notifications. Lots of people also commented that the only way to stumble across my post was to submit to… the Ping. Oh, the irony of it all

Something struck me while I was reading through the comments: We could be from anywhere in the world, but we’re all pretty much the same when it comes to situations like these. EVERYONE’S been hit by the Ping before and screwed up their plans, so don’t feel too bad about it if it happens to you. Take a breather, then switch off your phone and your chats and your email client, work on that to-do list, and hunker down and work your way through it. Guilt never got anyone anywhere.

(Pretty much everyone also agrees that the phone stack is an awesome idea, and quite a few people share my distaste for Justin Bieber’s single “Boyfriend”. So that totally made my day.)

So anyways, I just wanted to say thank you. Really. It’s superduper encouraging to know that there are actually people who appreciate the stuff I write about here. (When I first started blogging I got kinda worried that the only people who would be reading this blog is some drunk college kid trying to google how to fry an egg at 4am.) A friend told me that sometimes people just need to get reminded about the painfully obvious things that we forget – which are sometimes the ones that would help us the most.

So thank you for the encouragement and the love! I’ll keep blogging as much as I can. Leave a comment if there are any personal finance / rich life topics you’d like me to write about – I read every one