Fresh Finds Friday 10.19.18 | Sakr – ‘Home Again’

Posted on the 27 December 2018 by Entertainmentjolt @Entertain_Jolt

Sakr brings a fresh Electric sound with this week’s Fresh Finds Friday, Home Again.

When you think of Electronic music you don’t think of a softer more emotional side.  Sakr is able to do just this with the start of Home Again.  By doing this sound you’re able to draw in a listener and that is what happened.  When the chorus starts the big drop happens for the chorus then it’s right back to a more softer tone.

What made Home Again get on the Fresh Finds Friday list was that approach that Sakr took in this sound.  I really enjoyed seeing this side of Electronic music and I think it should be used more.  I think you would enjoy this side to Electronic music as well.

Take a listen to the song below and let us know what you think in the comments.