Title: FrequencyAuthor: Casey L BondGenre: YA ParanormalCover Designer: Cover Me DarlingModel: Nathan WellerExpected Release Date: April 11, 2016Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
When the Infected attacked, something horrific happened to Porschia Grant. Porschia in Frenzy was scary; Porschia with hallucinations is terrifying. There has to be a reason, and there must be a cure for the episodes refusing to release her from their tentacles of insanity. Saul is in the center of the city surrounded by secrets–some are damning, some are eye opening—others might just offer hope and be worth fighting for. How can a person justify the possibility of infecting another human being? What might the humans and night-walkers lose if he doesn’t take the chance?The decisions made, and the lies uncovered, will shock everyone in and around Blackwater, and they just might spark a revolution. Everything emits a sound… and hunger is deafening… horrible.
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