Freeton F-Resin Max Disposable Review

Posted on the 01 August 2022 by Vapingcheap

Disposables in 2022 have become incredibly popular, and we're seeing more release in different sizes, battery capacities, designs, and of course, flavors. Freeton, who's not new in the disposable world, has released something quite different, especially when compared to the majority of vape bars in the market. When we reviewed their previous DV1 and DV2, we were impressed not only by its performance, but by its unique form factor.

Here we'll be reviewing one of their latest releases, the Freeton F-Resin Max Disposable Vape. As you'd expect coming from a brand like Freeton, this isn't your normal everyday disposable vape bar. However, is the only thing this delivers is looks, or does it deliver on everything? We'll let you know that and more in our Freeton F-Resin Max Review.

F-Resin Max Vape Bar Features:

First Impressions - Resin Appearance

When you get these disposables, the first thing you'll notice is the actual packaging. Freeton has done a good job on this end, giving you all the information you need to know right up front. This includes the flavor that you've got, how many puffs you can expect, ingredients (for e-liquid), device specifications (including the actual dimensions of the disposable vape bar), and more. Once you open it up, you're met with the F-Resin Max Vape Bar. It's packaged yet again, as with pretty much every other disposable, and comes with a silicone mouthpiece and sticker that both need to be removed before vaping.
Now, when I first held this disposable vaporizer, I was impressed by the actual design. It does feature a resin exterior, in black and gold, giving it a unique and premium appearance. Not to mention, the resin material feels great in the hands. On the device you'll also see the flavor alongside some minimal branding.

The mouthpiece is on the larger size, but it is comfortable. At the bottom is where you'll find the adjustable airflow control lever, and USB type-C charging port. Two huge pros in my book, especially the airflow control. This means you can adjust the draw to what you like most, from a pretty restrictive direct lung or tighter mouth to lung.

Freeton F-Resin Max Disposable Flavor Review

The Freeton F-Resin Max is available in a wide range of flavor options, and we'll be reviewing quite a few of them. As always, flavor is subjective, so what one vaper may like another vaper may dislike. With that said, let's get started with our flavor review for the Freeton F-Resin Max!

Energy Drink

Pink Lemonade

Cool Mint by Freeton in their F-Resin Max Disposable is exactly what you think it is. It's a cooling mint flavor that's done pretty well. It has a sweetness as well which adds to the overall experience, and makes it that much better.

Another straightforward flavor, but I do sense a slight hint of menthol alongside that cooling effect. On the inhale, you'll get a faint hint of spearmint with the cooling effect. Exhaling is where the spearmint note is upfront, followed by the cooling and a faint hint of menthol. When vaping it more, it does resemble the hookah mint flavor, which isn't a bad thing!

This one definitely has a stronger cooling effect than the others here, but not overbearing and what you've come to expect in a cool mint type flavor. If you enjoy mint and or menthol flavors, check this one out for sure.

Blue raspberry is another one of those flavor profiles that's incredibly popular in vaping, and not just in disposables. There are plenty of delicious e-liquids that feature blue raspberry as it's unique, tasty and sweet. This one is just a little different from your average blue raspberry flavor, though, but in a good way. With that said, Blue Razz in the Freeton F-Resin Max Disposable is absolutely amazing.
On the inhale, you'll get a slightly sweet yet tart blue raspberry note with a very faint hint of cooling. On the exhale is where the blue razz shines. You'll get a bit more sweetness and tart as you exhale, but it comes together more as a blue raspberry slushie rather than a full-blown candy. It's quite good, and the cooling effect is what certainly adds to what you taste.
Blue Razz is definitely one of the favorites in this lineup. It's sweet, has a faint hint of cooling to resemble a slushie and smooth to vape. Although it has the cooling effect, it is very faint, especially when comparing it to the others in this disposable line. Trust me, if you're a fan of blue raspberry flavors, you'll want to give this one a try. It's that good!

Strawberry Banana

Another flavor profile that's quite popular, and it's not surprising to see it as an option for the F-Resin Max by Freeton is strawberry banana. It's a rather simple flavor, but when done right, it's fantastic. Something important to note though is about the banana flavor specifically. Oftentimes, it tastes a bit candied rather than natural and depending on your taste buds, this might be a good or bad thing.
Moving onto the actual flavor, Strawberry Banana by Freeton is great. It's a good blend between the two flavors, but the banana does overpower the strawberry just a little, and is on the forefront as you vape. On the inhale, you'll get a tasty strawberry banana. As you exhale, you'll get the same, but stronger, with a bit of ice. There is a slight creaminess to this one, though, which not only elevates the experience, but makes it different from the competition.
This flavor isn't overly sweet nor icy, and delivers a solid strawberry and banana flavor profile. The creaminess is great and leads to a good fruit dessert type of flavor. If that's what you're after or need an after-dinner vape, give this one a shot.

Rose Litchi

This is a very interesting flavor and as the name of it suggests, you do get a pretty noticeable floral note throughout the vape experience. On the inhale, you get a floral note mixed with litchi. Now, on the exhale, you get a floral note followed immediately by the litchi fruit. However, the floral note dominates the entire vape experience. It's certainly different from what you would expect and pretty refreshing overall.

Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of anything floral, but I can see vapers who do enjoy that type of flavor will certainly enjoy this one. Do keep in mind though that there is a cooling effect with this one. It's not very intense, but noticeable on the exhale. It does smoothen out the throat hit quite a bit, though. Whether you're a fan of these types or looking for something that you don't see often, then you might want to give this one a try.

Freeton F-Resin Max Review Conclusion