Freelance Blogging: Making A Living Doing What You Love

Posted on the 01 January 2015 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Working from home is something more people are looking into nowadays. With the internet being as diverse as it is, it is possible to earn a comfortable living without ever leaving home. Freelance blogging is one way that many people are doing this. For someone who loves to write, building up a steady stream of work can take time but is worth it in the long run. With some creativity and hard work, freelance blogging can be a great opportunity for someone wanting to be self-employed.

Develop Self-Discipline

Being a freelance blogger requires a high level of self-discipline. With no-one there to set goals or time-limits, you become your own boss and manager. Much like a regular job, it helps to set working hours, especially when beginning this journey. This ensures that a certain amount of work will get done each day. Without adequate planning, it is very common to find that you have accomplished very little by the end of the day. Allowing yourself a window of several hours at a certain time each day eliminates spontaneity. When it comes to working, being spontaneous is not a good idea for success.

Life Events

Everyone has experienced unexpected events at some point in their life. It can be very devastating when your income is compromised by such events. Unexpected accidents, illness or family events can cause a strain at work when a lot of time is missed. When working as a freelance blogger, you are able to plan around events that may require your time. Although you still have to work, you can move your hours much easily than you would be able to in a corporate setting. Unfortunately, even people with long-term illnesses still have to generate an income. According to Graham Rehab, “Being your own boss allows you to design your workspace and schedule around the demands of your pain condition”. You can work more on the days you feel well and get some rest on the days you need to, without lowering your income.

You Control Your Income 

Most people know the desperate feeling of working hard and still not getting recognized at work. When you write for a living, your excellent writing represents you. It may take time to build up a steady stream of clientele, but with each well-written article you set yourself at a higher level. With freelance blogging being a competitive market, it is always necessary to continue improving your writing skills. The faster and better you write on a consistent basis, the more money you make. Being in control like this is very empowering. It pushes a writer to continue improving and producing top-quality work. Seeing your income increase from year to year is very satisfying. Generating an income doing something you love is even more fulfilling.

Freelance blogging is an area that requires passion and self-control. Understanding that “being self-employed does not mean a shorter work week – in fact, it usually means a longer day and week” is very important according to Forbes. This hard work pays off greatly in the long-run, making freelance blogging the perfect opportunity for someone who loves to write and work from home.