Freedoms Reign - S/T

Posted on the 31 March 2013 by Ripplemusic

Years ago someone told me that the best  New England based metal bands always have a graveyard, October  night, type of feel. This band has captured that sound and feeling. My first listen and it's tearing my head off. Very Sabbath orientated riffs, but also some algebraic progressive time shifts thrown into the mix. Yes I'm hearing the early Fates Warning sound but also a tinge of maiden and early New Wave Of British Heavy Metal.

Ritual is the lead off track and it's a bone crushing nod of the hat to early Sabbath. Sludgy doom played to a higher standard. Shades of the band"Trouble" here.

"Shadows Of Doubt" , and "Brother" are sonic temples of metal played at its most creative. The drum intro to "Brother" is simply ...perfect. Can someone send me some new speakers for my car. This disc is tearing up the ride to work.

Victor Arduini weaves a hypnotic spell with this disc. Each song is a study of power metal intertwined with the early sludge jam of Sabbath. His guitar work here is stellar. Creatively I can see this band taking the New England Area by storm and then the world. Strong mention must go also to Chris Judge on drums. Normally I am drawn to the guitar but those drums keep slicing out from the background and kick me in the head.

This band, Michael Jones(Bass), And Tommy Vumback(guitars), included is a powerhouse the likes we have not seen for a long time. I want to see this band live. They remind me of Sabbath more than Fates and that is a good thing. There is some Corrosion and Down influences there as well. Get this cd. Any fan of heavy metal will appreciate the monolithic trebuchet of molten metal sludge hurled over their sonic castle walls.

"Looking Around" is an epic way to close this sonic masterpiece. Nice guitar shredding here. Hands down my favorite track. Drifts into a pink floyd-esque closing....awesome!
8 horns up