Freedom of the Press Foundation - Bradley Manning Trial Transcripts Online

Posted on the 05 June 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Bradley Manning is the US Army private who released tonnes of cables and other documentation to Wikileaks, and the Collateral Murder video of a helicopter gunship (computer game-like) shooting civilians, journalists and children in cold blood. For this he's facing the treason charge of AIDING THE ENEMY.
The US military has refused to release transcripts of Bradley Manning's trial. In addition, they've denied press passes to 270 out of the 350 media organizations that applied. 

In response, Freedom of the Press Foundation has crowd-sourced funding to place a professional stenographer in the media room covering the trial. We will post full transcripts shortly after each day's proceedings end. The morning session with be posted by 7 pm the same evening. The afternoon session will be posted by 9 am the next morning. [source FOTPF]

You can help (financially) support this effort and read the twice-daily PDFs from the court here.