Free Time

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

Free time is a loaded word for me. I rarely have it, and when I do, I like to use it wisely. I like to do things that I cannot do with my husband or my daughter, because my time with them isn’t time I classify as free time. So, during my precious little free time I do things for me.

Put your hands up (or comment below) if you wish you had more time for you. As mothers we have time for everyone around us, work, family, play, our children, our friends, but in all honesty there is hardly ever enough me time. Don’t get me wrong, time with others is precious in its own way, what would we do/where would we be without the love of those around us. But me time is also valuable and often neccessary for us to recharge and get back to ourselves.

What are some of the things you like to do in your free time? Do you like to play a game? Do you relax? Listen to music? Read? Spa?

I often spa at home by myself, I give myself a quick mask (I have one that works in 5 minutes) and I feel refreshed that way. I also love to read when I have the chance, whether it’s right before bed, or before anyone wakes up (on the weekends); whenever I have a free minute.

Seise your free time and do whatever you enjoy.