Free Planet¹ CUSTODIAN - Published - Available in Amazon Kindle, Ebook and Paperback Formats

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
today, Friday the 14th June 2013, Free Planet¹ CUSTODIAN has been published on Amazon Kindle (live tomorrow), various other ebook formats (live today) and paperback format (live soon). Many thanks to (my editor, format guru and BFGS co-writer) Alex Severin who ensured that this 82,000 words novel was the best it could be.
BONUS MATERIAL: at the end of Custodian there's the opening chapter of Free Planet² LIBERATOR, and it's a series shocker!
What's Free Planet¹ CUSTODIAN about?
Short description 
A group of Oxford University's finest minds, the eponymous Custodians, offer mankind a technological 'get out of jail free card' enabling them to slip from under the yoke of Corporate Slavery to THE INDUSTRY.
Extended description 
Custodian is a split-narrative story, alternating between Utopian/Dystopian viewpoints. 
1) The Custodians; a conspiracy of Oxford University's finest.
Radical elements within the student body engage themselves in the Patent Wars and start a TV show called Natural Lottery that broadcasts to the global Evertainment System, every night, 7-9 p.m., all channels, full spectrum dominance.
2) You The People; that's all seven billion sovereign individuals.
You are taken through a physical relocation of your corporate arm of The Industry from Dusseldorf to Oxford. You are 'made redundant' in the most spectacular public fashion and your world starts to (literally) crumble, or pixellate, around you. But there's light at the end of the tunnel of death.

I'll update all the above AVAILABILITY LINKS once they've been approved by the relevant distributors.